Telling the stories of the most storied place

Watch Out Hollywood!


Entering it’s 10th year, the Filmmaking Workshop at the University of Mississippi will be featured in this year’s Oxford Film Festival. The four-day workshop, hosted by the Division of Outreach & Continuing Education, is a hands-on opportunity for filmmakers to be introduced to the process. From writing, to lighting, to calling “cut”, the workshop puts the class through every phase of production. The end result of this year’s workshop will be premiering at the Oxford Film Festival at 10:00 AM on Saturday the 7th of February. Matthew Graves and I directed the workshop, and we couldn’t be more proud of the hard work and creative energy that the filmmakers put into their project. Come take a look at their work on Saturday the 7th at the Malco Theatre, and if you’re interested, contact the workshop to reserve your chance to be in this summer’s class.

We’d like to thank Robert Fox for organizing an excellent event, and we look forward to this summer!

-Micah Ginn