Telling the stories of the most storied place

O, Christmas Triage

Posted by on Nov 28, 2011 in Media And Documentary Projects Blog

At long last and just in time for the holidays, here is the Christmas short film we produced “O, Christmas Triage”. A comedy about a couple on their way to a Christmas party who meet an unexpected visitor. Actually, I think this film is about answering the age old question of how Santa Claus decorates his Christmas trees. Or maybe it’s a lesson in the dangers of caroling and driving. Either way, it was a lot of fun to make and I hope you enjoy it. Special thanks to Matt Minshew who co-wrote and produced the film as well as Karen Tuttle and Rebecca Camerigg who braved the bitter cold to make the movie. I’d also like to say thank you to Melissa Graves, Micah Ginn, Chris Williams, Matt Minshew, Ben Harper, and of course, Jim Payne for the incredible job they did acting in the film. Merry Christmas!