Telling the stories of the most storied place

Hello Guvnah!

Media and Documentary Projects was at the Overby Center tonight to record the discussion between Journalism Assistant Dean Charlie Mitchell and Governor Haley Barbour.  Karen Tuttle was on the camera and Andy Harper handled moral support.

Mr. York Goes to Washington

Joe and Andy just got back from DC where Mississippi Innocence screened to an enthusiastic crowd at the Newseum. The show included a panel discussion featuring Judge Harry Edwards, Professor Angela J. Davis, John Grisham, and Tucker Carrington.  Dahlia Lithwick moderated a lively discussion on the state of  innocence cases and the use of DNA evidence. Thanks to Charles […]

Congressional Debate

MDP was at the Overby Center tonight covering the First District Congressional Debate between incumbent Congressman Travis Childers and his opponent Alan Nunnelee.  We shot the event to edit together later and also streamed it for an overflow crowd.  We are happy to post it here as well for anyone who may be still undecided. […]

Pathway to Reconcilation

MDP was at the Overby Center tonight for “Ole Miss and the People of the World: A Symposium on Reconciliation.”  The panel, sponored by the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation, and moderated by Chanellor Dan Jones, looked at ways we can work toward reconciliation with nations we have historically had strained relations with.